Life Is Hard ( Pocket Bellow )


Life is hard but making a fire with wet sticks and leaves is easy! The Pocket Bellow system is the ultimate piece of gear that you will find in my bag. Whether you are a backpacker, survivalist, or someone that loves simple technology, this is a product that you should not pass up. The small company Epiphany Outdoor Gear is comprised of a father and son team that takes the outdoors seriously. Tom and Austin Baker developed this system out of necessity. During a trip to the Fish Lake National Forest, they had to deal with endless rainy conditions. Anyone that has tried to make a fire with wet tender knows what a pain in the ass it is! With that being said, I have used this product and absolutely love it! You can start a fire swiftly and maintain the flame while adding wet tender. This product can also be used for maintaining a BBQ, indoor fireplaces, or inserting the Pocket Bellow into your chocolate milk to blow bubbles, the choice is yours!The kit comes with a magnesium stick, striker, bellow and their proprietary Baddest Bees Fire Fuses. Refill options for the Baddest Bees Fire Fuses are available in packs of 8 or 20.

In closing, if you need a cheap viable way to start a fire that is fast, light, and easy to use then buy this product! I believe systems like this are wonderful gift ideas for folks that fall into the category of survivalist, minimalist, and outdoor hobbyist alike. You can find them at their online store (  or at Dynamic Earth for you folks that like to shop local.

Also, check out this video from Pocket Bellows website !

MSRP 24.99 US

Tech Specs :

Weight – Less than 1 Oz.

Total Package Length – 5.75

Total Package Diameter – 1.25





My name is Matthew J. Freeman. I am a father, husband, and outdoor enthusiast. I created this Blog to highlight the best outdoor gear that I have had the pleasure of owning or testing. My intention is to sift through the mounds of outdoor products so you do not have to. This idea came about as I recently went on an overnight backpacking trip with some friends. Each of us carrying the gear that made us feel at home or safe in the wild. After the trip I noticed that there are many products on the market that I was unaware of. Having these items would have made my trip more comfortable. With that said, I will use my passion for product photography and outdoor gear to help you make solid buying decisions so when it comes time to let go of your hard earned dollar you will be completely informed and ready to make a purchase. In any case, this should be a fun place to learn about outdoor gear and the many “hacks” for said gear. Stay tuned for the first product review of the PocketBellow system.

Yours Truly,
